The XBRL Taxonomy Registry is a public registry of published XBRL taxonomies. The registry aims to make it easier to find taxonomies for different regions and reporting domains, and to find publically accessible repositories of data using those taxonomies. It also lets users explore the global use of XBRL through an interactive map.

Inclusion in the repository is open to all XBRL taxonomies, subject to the simple requirements listed below.

What are the requirements for inclusion in the registry?

In order to be included in the repository, taxonomies must fulfil the following criteria:

  • The taxonomy must be published as a Taxonomy Package,
  • The taxonomy must be available for download on a public website, and
  • The taxonomy must be valid according to the relevant XBRL specifications.

The taxonomy package needs to include certain specific items that are used to populate the registry's index. These are:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Version
  • Publication Date
  • Publisher Country
  • Publisher Name (a name in at least one language must be provided)

Does the taxonomy need to be hosted by XBRL International in order to be included?

No. When adding a taxonomy to the registry, users are asked to provide a URL from which the taxonomy can be downloaded from its official, public location on the maintainer's website.

Users viewing the taxonomy will be provided with a link to the official download location.

Who can add taxonomies to the registry?

Taxonomies can be added by any XBRL International participant, including XII Direct Members and members of Jurisdictions. To upload a taxonomy, users will need an XBRL username and password. If you do not have a username, you can register for an account, or, if you have lost your details you can reset your password.

How do I prepare a taxonomy package?

Taxonomy packages are simply ZIP files, with two additional XML files included in specified locations. Full details of the format can be found in the Taxonomy Package specification, but we anticipate that support for creation of taxonomy packages will be included in taxonomy creation tools.

If you need assistance in creation of a taxonomy package in order to include your taxonomy in the registry, please contact

The system supports taxonomy packages that have been prepared against either the "Recommendation" or "Proposed Recommendation" versions of the specification, although users are encouraged to move to the Recommendation version.